1. Install homebrew:
The missing package manager for macOS

- /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
- Explore HomeBrew Soft: https://brewformulas.org/
2. Image handle for non-window: libgdiplus
- brew install mono-libgdiplus
3. Install .NET Core

- Install Run Time (host bundle) if host the .net core app on the window server via IIS
4. Install IDE, refer Rider

5. Install SQL IDE

6. Install SQL Server

- Install "mssql-server-linux" via Kitematic
- Setup Environment for instance SQL Server to remote:
- Select instance > setting > General
: Y
: <your sa password>
- Select instance > setting > Hostname/ Port: to config portal
7. Install redis cache via brew

- Open terminal
> brew install redis
- Start redis brew services restart redis
- Test redis running redis-cli ping
8. Install elastic search via brew

- brew cask install java
- brew install jenv
- brew search elasticsearch
+ brew install [email protected]
+ brew install [email protected]